Disposable masks have become an everyday companion and are indispensable when shopping or using public transport. When the work is done, they should ideally be disposed of properly in the residual waste. Unfortunately, they are also often found carelessly discarded in city parks or at the roadside. There, they not only cause litter and microplastic, but also pose a danger to birds.
But there are also very good alternatives that safely protect against viruses and at the same time protect the environment. One example is the Livinguard Pro Mask. Thanks to patented technology, it inactivates more than 99.9 % of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. It has FFP2 standard and can be washed up to 30 times without losing its protective effect. In theory, this makes it a sustainable alternative to disposable masks. In everyday life and on the road, however, people often come up against practical limits with the antiviral mask and are asked by the authorities to put on surgical masks, even though they have the same certification.
Read more about the problem of fixation on FFP2: