Sustainability – a topic that plays a major role for us as a leading company in the field of modern textile finishing, but not a topic that you often hear associated with refugee aid. For the Swiss non-profit association "selfm.aid", however, climate change and the refugee crisis are directly linked, for example in terms of excessive consumption or the waste of resources.
Through its special sustainable approach to humanitarian aid, selfm.aid combines social work and skilled crafts, empowering people affected by hardship to produce their own aid, primarily from local resources – for example in the "Skills Factory" project on the Greek island of Samos.
We are delighted to be able to support the valuable work of selfm.aid with rolls of fabric from the warehouses of AG Cilander. Our donation reached the organisation just when they needed it most: In the ever-growing and popular textile workshop, refugees sew clothes and useful everyday items from our fabrics to cater for the extensive needs of the children, women and men in the refugee camp. "Much of it has already been made into bags and T-shirts," reports selfm.aid from the Skills Factory. "Now we are moving on to the production of underwear, which is also urgently needed. Because, unfortunately, many refugees have only one pair of underpants, for example."
Selfm.aid and the Skills Factory team "thank you from the bottom of their hearts for this wonderful donation!" If you have ideas to support this impressive humanitarian project – the organisation is appealing not only for financial support, but also donations in kind for sewing and other skilled crafts. Demand for the various workshops, ranging from electrical repair to gardening, cooking/baking and more besides, is still great and the organisation is also looking to form partnerships with companies.